We keep working on new recipies. The latest two include Bird Dog Bites made from local Garden Peninsula Butternut Squash & our delicious Michigan Apple Rings. The seasonality of our Ingredients is important to us. At this time we are purchasing product from the farms in our area and preparing them for use now and into the next season. We are so excited to have fresh locally grown ingredients available For us to use. Real food for all, human and canine is important to us as it is to you. We strive to have the best products available year round for your pooch. We are so please to be taking orders and hope you all understand that we may need an extra day to get product orders fulfilled in a timely manner. Our products are handmade so you can offer your pooch the best quality treats and it is hopefully understood that we may suffer short delays occasionally due to this process. We are a work in progress and soon will have it all worked out to keep up with bigger manufacturing operations who do not offer local and seasonal. Here’s to the best you can feed your furry family members. Chi Migwetch, Gimiwan Animosh.